A worshiper of Umbanda, the Afro-Uruguayan religious cult, prays to the goddess Yemanjá during a ritual ceremony on the seashore in Montevideo, Uruguay.

A devotee of Umbanda, the Afro-Uruguayan religious tradition, pays homage the goddess Yemanjá during a ritual ceremony on the seashore in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Devotees of Umbanda, the Afro-Uruguayan religious cult, dance around the temporary altar to pay tribute to the goddess Yemanjá during a ritual ceremony on the seashore in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Worshipers light candles to pay tribute to Yemanjá, the African-inspired goddess, during a ritual ceremony on the seashore in Montevideo, Uruguay.

An Uruguayan woman, a worshiper of the Afro-Uruguayan religious tradition, offers esoteric services during a celebration in honor of the goddess Yemanjá on the seashore in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Devotees of Umbanda, the Afro-Uruguayan religious tradition, perform a ritual blessing with seawater in honor of the goddess Yemanjá on the seashore in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Devotees of Umbanda, the Afro-Uruguayan religious tradition, carry a paper boat during a ritual ceremony in honor of the goddess Yemanjá on the seashore in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Yemanjá celebration in Uruguay
Montevideo, Uruguay – February 2024
Yemanjá, the goddess of the sea, motherhood, and fertility, is a central figure in African-rooted religions such as Umbanda, which blends African spiritual beliefs with Catholic influences. Widely worshiped in Brazil and Uruguay, Yemanjá holds particular significance among Afro-descendant communities. Every year on February 2nd, thousands of believers gather at Ramírez Beach in Montevideo, seeking blessings for prosperity, fertility, and protection, as they celebrate one of the country's most significant cultural and religious events.
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